NBA 96 ROSTER PATCH V3.13 ------------------------- Date: 05/02/96 Probable release date for V3.14: 05/06/96 NEW: full 95/96 regular season stats (painfully typed up by us), plus complete playoff rosters Made by Lutz van Hasselt ( and Tim Tschirner ( This patch and all related files are freely distributable, as long as all files included in the package remain unchanged. The latest version can always be found at: Installation ------------ First, copy all the unzipped files into your main NBA Live 96 directory (usually C:\NBA96) and make sure you have an unchanged copy of the NBA Live 96 EXE-File named NBA96.EXE in that directory. Then, simply type 'install' and follow the instructions on your screen. The installation will leave your original files untouched. When finished, you can start the patched game with either '95-96' or 'active'. You can delete the files 'install.bat' and 'binpatch.exe' from recent patch versions. Files ----- 95-96.p96 active.p96 install.bat update.exe rosters.str rosters.txt career.pat If you are missing any of these, try to get a fresh version from the site mentioned above. To uninstall the patch, delete all of those files. Note that the installation moves career.pat to the \art\miscfe directory. Once you have completed the installation, you may delete install.bat, *.p96 and update.exe. What you'll find ---------------- You can install two files, called '95-96' and 'active'. '95-96' has updated 95-96 NBA rosters (through 04-16-96), including Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson and Charles Barkley. We left injured players on the active roster in this file (e.g. Drexler, Webber etc.). Overall team ratings are very accurate now, making this file very useful for season play. 'active' always has the latest active rosters, with injured players on the injured list or on the last roster spot, just as in real life. This is mainly intended for exhibition play. Both files feature re-touched skill values, positions and jersey numbers (after the trades) as well as full 95-96 stats, draft information and date and place of birth for all created players - Jordan, Johnson and Barkley are no longer rookies now. Both files are continuously updated and new versions are available twice or thrice a week. Now with original 1996 NBA all-star teams, 95-96 stats and playoff rosters. Additional notes ---------------- For some odd reason, EA Sports only left space for 14 players on each team. A few teams have 15 players on their roster, though, you'll find the 15th player for those teams on the free agent team. Also, there are way too few free agent slots available (The guys at EA Sports sure know how to make us buy NBA Live 97.), so we had to dump some of the unused players on the injured list of other teams where there was room. Then, the roster files are too small, so we had to replace a few of the original players to add new players. Still, there's not enough room, so the Magic's Anthony Bonner and the Bullets' Cedric Lewis are still missing. Some technical information: The *.p96 files are used to create two changed .exe files. The .exe files contain the data of all original players - the patch updates their skill values, positions and jersey numbers here. rosters.str and are the same as rosters.dat; rosters.str is for 95-96.exe and for active.exe. You do not need to rename them 'rosters.dat' or whatever, the patches will automatically load the correct file (we changed some ASCII strings in the .exe files there). The rosters.* files are for the correct roster orders as well as the data of the created players. An additional file career.pat is copied into the /art/miscfe directory and is loaded by the patch instead of career.idx, making sure some of the new players are not displayed with other players' career stats. Acknowledgements ---------------- - EA Sports for failing to create a proper editor and giving us a lot to do every time they release a game - Joshua Bahnsen for providing us with some missing player data and for typing the 95-96 stats - just like we did :-( - Dave Zolnier for his editor - everyone maintaining an NBA Live web site, especially Stan Olson